Longer post bois, pls i beg you... So yesterday the things didn't go as expected but then we all in the same server (except for the ones who didn't connect at 7:00pm gmt -4) developed a better supah secret system for the cl. And no, we aren't going to merge with Liquor or Pyramid, already discussed for the clan sake, Martin today will explain it better through our private discord channel, I'm sorry for the members that don't speak spanish like we do in the whatsapp group but we will resume all on discord (said before) so stay tunned for martin's messages or even mine if martin isn't at his home in the next 3 and a half hours - - - I must say that I'm proud to be part of this wonderfull team/fam, I really enjoy to play or chat with you when I get on my home from work almost all days and there's always a reason to laugh (Jordan and I are paying Imperial 5k to sing songs XD ) and even more things. nothin' else to say
Also i talked to my mom about operating my nose, im not comfortable with it, what do you guys think about?
i forgot to tell you guys the date i was born and where i'm living right now. Since i'm all official and cool now B)
December, 18th 2004
Indonesia, GMT+7
I'm sorry bro, i was just posting about my information that wasn't on the roster yet. I just wanted to complete it because it looked empty. And also sorry about yesterday, when you guys were playing, i was still sleeping at the time. I would've loved to play with you guys but as i stated my GMT is way different from everyone elses. I will try and get up as soon as possible so i can spend time with my lovely clan mates <3
Mensaje de whatsapp importante por si se lo perdieron (it's spanish)
I'm definitely in the luckiest climate with 12 degrees of temperature, but I think it's too much of an exaggeration to freeze at night. Tell me, in what climate are you there?.
Let's talk about our TALENTS/SKILLS IRL!! (to know each other virtues better)
we talk a lot on whatsapp (spanish members) we can talk on discord, we talk ingame, why not in the forum? Martin is leading the clan art and he want to post some replays here but he can't because no one posted