Weekend Bash
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[e] Envys Random Post Thread!

Hey, Got Some Shit To Post?? Do It Here!
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
@THE bOIs this IS the shit Lets Get it poppin Like dennis rodman in this bitch. talk a bunch of heated shit and blast our activity out of the water. Nerds to ScArEd to Post PUSSIEEES. JUST TRY ME AND GET ROASTED LIKE A BAGG OF PEANUTS
Frost Rocked my ass with a wooden spoon
Originally Posted by InuYasha View Post
@THE bOIs this IS the shit Lets Get it poppin Like dennis rodman in this bitch. talk a bunch of heated shit and blast our activity out of the water. Nerds to ScArEd to Post PUSSIEEES. JUST TRY ME AND GET ROASTED LIKE A BAGG OF PEANUTS

You're dog water. relax kid. can't even crank 90's you're trash kid. turn on your monitor kid. Your mom too poor to afford power bill. probably playing on 20hz monitor. relax kid take it easy get one pumped
Driving through hell, and I done brought snow.
Originally Posted by Dior View Post
You're dog water. relax kid. can't even crank 90's you're trash kid. turn on your monitor kid. Your mom too poor to afford power bill. probably playing on 20hz monitor. relax kid take it easy get one pumped

GET ONE PUMPED boi you are the No Pump chump. Take 1step and I'll kick ya head. Have you on yo knees time to begg nobody can save you from this bukkake at least Dogg water get licked real sloppy. If I'm playing on a 20hz I'll go ahead and tie up my t shirt wall around like I need words but tbh you just got mopped up by a gay dude in a tied up T-shirt .
Frost Rocked my ass with a wooden spoon
Originally Posted by Dior View Post
You're dog water. relax kid. can't even crank 90's you're trash kid. turn on your monitor kid. Your mom too poor to afford power bill. probably playing on 20hz monitor. relax kid take it easy get one pumped

- You're dog water. relax kid. can't even crank 90's you're trash kid. turn on your monitor kid. Your mom too poor to afford power bill. probably playing on 20hz monitor. relax kid take it easy get one pumped
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
Originally Posted by Rajen View Post
fortnite battle royale

- Say some stupid fortnite shit again, and Im punching you in the eye
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!