Original Post
Welcome to...

Refreshed and Renewed.

The Clan Tag is [HIT]

1. No Flaming. (Members or Non-Members)

2. No Spamming. (Casual Chat is Allowed, However, Stay On Topic)

3. No Posting or Talking about Inappropriate Material. (Warez, etc.)

4. Have Fun and Enjoy Your Time in Hit.

*If You Disobey the Rules You Will Receive 1+ Warnings Depending on the Seriousness.

**5 Warnings Total Will Lead You to Be Kicked From the Clan.

All applications for Hit should be in Freeform.

Put Whatever Information You Think is Necessary in Order to Get In.

If You Have a Special Talent(s), Be Sure to Post Examples.


-Muur (GMT: -5)


-Faint [The Co-Leader]

-LWafflez [The Moderator]


-Slash [Clan Artist] (GMT: +3)

-Rabbit (GMT: -3)(Currently Inactive) **


-OmgtfMik3 (Currently Inactive)

-Facade (Super Member :P)



-MC *


Player Allies


Clan Allies


Super Allies


Event Suggestions!

Event Ideas

Goal Checklist:

Main Goal: Become Official. [ ]

Become Well Known: [ ]

Get 5 members: [√]

Get 10 members:[√]

Get 15 members:[√]

Reach member cap(20):

Host a tourney:[√]

Host 5 tourneys: [3/5]

Host 10 tourneys: [3/10]

Reach 25k in clan bank:[√]

Reach 50k in clan bank:[√]

Reach 100k in clan bank: [√]

Current bank Total: 60,000 TC

All donations go to HITBank

*Members, Applicants and Allies, please hang out in our IRC channel, #HIT*

**Special Thanks to LWafflez for Rendering These Banners.
Last edited by Muur; Sep 8, 2011 at 02:46 AM.
Hey its chandlerb on my friends account and im gonna apply for this clan in a sec

Lol I know Your jelly yeah........
Name: Chandler Beltz

QI: 14111

Ban history: You know the ban and you know it wasnt my fault bro.

Timezone: -5

Best mod: AikidoBD

In-game activity (scale of 1-10): 6

Forum activity (scale of 1-10): 8

Then just write a couple sentence about yourself, plus questions/comments.
I am 12 years old which means I have school, also I have a very not normal life and I have a great skill for toribash. Including that I introduced Jcmert to toribash and watching him grow up belts and now he is past me game wise not skill wise ;P. Also I have a half and half time with my mom and dad because they went to court . Also I did not know my dad until I was 10 year old. One great thing I am planning is to stay in Toribash until I become a Gm and I have a God belt, as you see I am planning to stay in Toribash for quite a long time. The bad thing is at my dad's house I cannot play Toribash because he is a meaner. But as you see I am allowed to play Toribash at my mom's because I am at my mom's right now. So that is pretty much all the basics about me. Also I am working on getting more posts. Happy voting

*Qi and Join date will both go into deciding acceptance, however I will test even if you aren't.: I bought 10k qi recently
Requesting allies. Reason: You've been bugging me about it for a while now, so, applying. and you're my friend, etc.
#Magnus - #Sigma
I'll test you tomorrow, sorry, its like 1am where I am.

+Editting banners/adding GMT
Also, thanks Nameless, haha.

Name: Tomás

QI: 24077 I think.

Ban history: Only a 1 day ban (For invading Latin board) and a few infractions.

Timezone: -3

Best mod: All the unofficial ones.

In-game activity (scale of 1-10): I just host tourneys.

Forum activity (scale of 1-10): 15

I'm a Rabbit. 'Nuff said.

Alright, Rabbit=Accpeted, congrats you're now a HIT members...

You're being added to the HIT list now :3

chandlerb=still pending...
Attached Files
s.rpl (81.8 KB, 24 views)
Last edited by Muur; Jun 26, 2011 at 07:11 PM.
Rather coincidentally I was looking up the etymological history of the word "hit" today.
Thought you might enjoy this...
Originally Posted by from link above
hit (v.) O.E. hyttan "come upon, meet with," from O.N. hitta "to light upon, meet with," from P.Gmc. *khitjanan. Related: Hitting. Meaning shifted in late O.E. period to "strike," via "to reach with a blow or missile," and replaced O.E. slean in this sense. Original sense survives in phrases such as hit it off (1780) and hit on (1970s).

Underworld slang meaning "to kill by plan" is 1955 (as a noun in this sense from 1970). To hit the bottle "drink alcohol" is from 1889. To hit the nail on the head (1570s) is from archery. Hit the road "leave" is from 1873; to hit (someone) up "request something" is from 1917. Hit and run is 1899 as a baseball play, 1924 as a driver failing to stop at a crash he caused. To not know what hit (one) is from 1923.
hit (n.) "successful play, song, person," etc., 1811, from hit (v.) in sense of "to hit the mark, succeed" (c.1400). Underworld slang meaning "a killing" is from 1970. Meaning "dose of narcotic" is 1951, from phrases such as hit the bottle.