Original Post
[REL] Acro ball joust
Made this mod a few weeks ago. Here are some screens and the mod file will be below.
The idea is to grab the ball and use the momentum to make it to the central arena and continue to fight, This mod Features an insta-gib floor and a wrecking ball for anyone who decides to stay put.

have been trying furiously to get it working in multiplayer, But so far had no luck.
If anyone can get it to upload properly and work in MP I would be very grateful.

This is only my second mod so please give feedback to help me create better Mods in the future.

Thankyou for viewing.
Attached Images
balljoust1.jpg (32.8 KB, 47 views)
balljoust2.jpg (81.1 KB, 25 views)
balljoust3.jpg (39.0 KB, 23 views)
Attached Files
AcroballJoust.tbm (12.8 KB, 19 views)
examplefight.rpl (79.4 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by blun7y; Sep 26, 2014 at 03:51 PM.
I was curious and checked it:

- I don't like how the ball is moving rather slowly, it's rather easy to fail your jump, this might be especially problematic for newer players which makes the mod less accessible
- it's rather easy to miss initial grab, maybe it'd be better if it was cylinder rather than a ball, more elongated - giving more room for error with grabbing
- aside from the possible draw, nothing forces me to let go of the ball, meanwhile my opponent might be punished for actually trying to play by failing his jump and falling into death-floor
- this is my personal opinion but I don't like the background and concept of instagib floor, I'd rather have the mod clean and handle the ground=loss matter with dojosize 1.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Thankyou for taking the time to give me some feedback .

This was only the 2nd mod I ever made so I was bound to make mistakes.

I am working on a version 2 where the floor will not be bouncy but will gib and loose automatically, same as if the ball at start hits.

And as for letting go I am still contemplating weather to have another boulder come across or a slow spinning arm that auto disqualifies if it touches you.

I might not finish it at all though as this mod was slightly too ambitious and have since figured out you may only have 16 moving parts.

I may just start from scratch as rebuilding it may be quicker than swapping out low numbered static pieces.

If you enjoy jousting mods though mate I have a new mod out called blu_precijoust.tbm and the second version of this is almost complete,
(new version has methods to stop climbers, or people who stop at start and the actual handles that you create your moves from have been finely tweaked for best possible Performance).
I should have the refined version out next week and will advertise as i have this mod when i am happy with how it plays, But so far had 20+ people urging me to try and get it made in to a public mod, but to me it feels unfinished.
Last edited by blun7y; Nov 12, 2014 at 12:00 PM.