Original Post
Steering in 3.83
Hello there!

I accidentaly broke my Toribash 3.8, and downloaded 3.83. I was shocked, that I can't click on joints to set them at hold/relax there! How could it be?
Is it changed in 3.83 or what? Some key I need to hold to make it relaxing single joints instead of pressing C and loose all?

Or it is just denied in 3.83?
z = contract/extend
x = hold/relax
c = holdall/relaxall ;)
<evil> srsly people forgot that most part of toribash community is douchebags... lead by shin
You're right. Relaxing and holding joints by clicking is disabled in 3.83.
Now you have to hover your mouse on a joint and press x instead of clicking.

Hampa said that holding and relaxing is an advanced feature, so he decided to remove it from clicking...
He also says that using z and x is faster.
And I agree with him.
If you want to get Toribash 3.8 back, download it here.
There's a mystical button called X, you should try pressing it.

You should try reading.
User warned.
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 22, 2009 at 10:08 PM.