You started your replay with a grab again, which I really don't like. Besides the grab, one thing I didn't like is how you started to extend your right knee and then contracted both of them very quickly at frame 299.

Pretty nice.
Simple, had good flow, nice dms. Would have liked the ending more if you didn't kind of flop over. I don't like this "relax4pose" trend replay makers are using now, however its just a pet peeve.
If I were to get really nit-picky about the movement I'd say that I disliked how your right knee extended and contracted again around 296. It wasn't exactly twitchy but it kind of demonstrates an uncertainty in the movement, something I'm guilty of myself.
Other then that little thing, nice overall.
Originally Posted by Water View Post
When you go further into replay making, you'll start to care less about whether you grab or not, and all that other traditional replay making crap. It's actually more about making replays that are different and unique but still look good.

I'm not exactly sure what you're saying about my replay-making abilities. Anyways, I will never like grabs outside of skeets, and especially not on the first hit. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not bashing your style. I know that you've been making replays for a while, but this is just my personal opinion.
I've told myself I won't apply to ORMO until I am equal to one of their active members. I guess I'll be waiting a while XD.

I'm not big on the spinny opener, or the way that you initiated the manipulation. Once you landed out of the manipulation, I really liked the spin and the destruction that followed. The Pose was decent for a hand spin.
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