Original Post
Selling most of my deactive. Not selling stuff in my "Not For Sale" set or my set with stone relaxes (the ones out of the set are for sale though).

Looking for TC only.
Last edited by Stone; Feb 27, 2020 at 11:07 PM.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
27.5k comic effects
Super Moderator, Event Squad, Market Squad. If you have any questions shoot me a PM!
15k left mecha arm
"Gâle, peste, gengraine, trainent à l'entrée de son utérus,
C'est plus risqué de la ken que de jouer à la roulette russe..
Fuyez, elle a les lèvres déchirées qui moussent comme la Heineken,
Ya des tentacules qui pendent, c'est plus une chatte, c'est un Kraken.."
Originally Posted by hugsteur View Post
15k left mecha arm

I'd rather not for 15k

Edit: I got a diamond tori for sale and pyro mask for sale guys. They are pretty rare items.
Last edited by Stone; Mar 2, 2020 at 11:05 AM.
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky