View Poll Results: do you use linux
doesn't use linux
6 Votes / 46.15%
uses linux as daily driver
1 Votes / 7.69%
uses linux sometimes
5 Votes / 38.46%
uses arch btw
1 Votes / 7.69%
Voters: 13. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
do you use linux?
I use arch btw

I'm just curious how many of you use/have used linux, either as daily driver or not.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
only use kali linux to hack kids who you mildly disagree with
Last edited by sma1; 4 Weeks Ago at 02:14 AM.
Originally Posted by EvilTorified View Post
Yes, but that doesn't make me any superior to the windows folks

the excruciating pain of not being able to run some specific programs even with wine

I wish so hard to be able to use sony vegas in linux someday
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
I refuse to believe people who use any linux distro as their daily driver are ok sorry.

Servers? Sure, linux all the way.
Steam Deck like environment where you don't actually have to interact with Linux stuff? Ok I guess, though it's definitely just a side effect of MS being absolutely garbage at making Windows work properly on anything other than classic laptops/desktops.
But using Linux on your main machine to do regular stuff? Jesus it's horrendous.
I tried it and messed up my pc a couple of times but then went back to windows cause I don't really have a use for linux
Понравился девушке программист и решила она его домой позвать, ну типа "Установить винду".

Парень пришёл и на полном серьёзе установил ей винду на компьютер, и уже стало быть засобирался домой.

А девушка видит, что весь план рушится и говорит:
-Ты что, ничего не понял?
-Что такое?
-Я тебя позвала не чтобы ты мне винду устанавливал, а потому что я ебаться хочу!
-Ааа, блин, ну что же ты сразу не сказала?! - воскликнул парень и установил ей Линукс.

Originally Posted by sir View Post
I refuse to believe people who use any linux distro as their daily driver are ok sorry.

Servers? Sure, linux all the way.
Steam Deck like environment where you don't actually have to interact with Linux stuff? Ok I guess, though it's definitely just a side effect of MS being absolutely garbage at making Windows work properly on anything other than classic laptops/desktops.
But using Linux on your main machine to do regular stuff? Jesus it's horrendous.

Originally Posted by Smurfreak View Post
I tried it and messed up my pc a couple of times but then went back to windows cause I don't really have a use for linux

skill issue tbh
I just like it tbh, I'm not gonna say it's worth discarding windows, or that it has zero issues, but I've been enjoying using it a lot. I was just experimenting at first using VMs, but as I got more used to it I bought an additional SSD to install linux and distrohopped on it until I settled on one that I liked. I still have windows installed on my other drive but so far I don't have issues using it as a daily driver.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592