Original Post
has elf color been changed?
i remember elf being an extreme dark neon purple? i recently got it and it looks pinkish purple? i asked some people in a server and they remember it being different then what i have active.

are we mistaken? or did we miss an update?
~ give some info please

dl me to see it ingame.
At least for me, elf always had this kind of look.
Also, check your graphics. Joints in potato graphics (without shaders) seems to be a bit darker (IMO). Back in the day I always played in the minimum settings.
idk you probably see it different because everyone used to use elf relax with pure force but you use elf force with astro relax
Originally Posted by kouta View Post
i remember elf being an extreme dark neon purple? i recently got it and it looks pinkish purple? i asked some people in a server and they remember it being different then what i have active.

Try demolition color. I always remembered elf as the current color.