Original Post
(MC) Restrictions?
As I heard from other players, it is not allowed to multi client in a tourney server. I wanna play with my bro but people say I will get banned. Is this true?
multiclienting on public servers or tourneys isn't allowed
if you want to play with your brother make a private server and it'll be ok

Originally Posted by b45 View Post
play on steam it wont show the (MC)

no dont do that, there's a reason multiclienting on public servers isn't allowed yknow
Originally Posted by messi1234 View Post
As I heard from other players, it is not allowed to multi client in a tourney server. I wanna play with my bro but people say I will get banned. Is this true?

Yes our in game rules state that you can not Mulitclient in a official or staff tourney. This means all of the ranked servers, Public servers, or the GM Staffs Tourneys or in game events.

However, Normal user servers such as the one you create by doing the command /jo (insert random made up name here), are excluded from this rule. Although If you partake in doing this in a Player hosted server be aware that their rules as well as the Ingame Global rules apply so if you were to say: Rig a Decap prize Both yours and your siblings accounts may be banned as well as possibly other accounts associated with yours.

Originally Posted by b45 View Post
play on steam it wont show the (MC)

Even if you do this, Us, The staff will find out about it. So no, i wouldn't attempt it.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...