Original Post
~ Fantasy

the tag is [Fantasy]

we dont want allie requests from strangers

those of you who arent allies nor friends need to use invade tags before posting

**Awaiting banners**

Coming Soon
Last edited by Simon; Oct 29, 2011 at 02:38 AM.
Hi, im the Fantasy Bank! Nice to meet you

you can send all of your donations to me

I have 204k in total

and this is the list of the awesome supporters:

- Simon 204k
Last edited by FantasyBank; Oct 12, 2011 at 08:32 PM. Reason: Sexy etc
Hi there, im the Fantasy clan Account

Here are a few things that can help you get accepted into Fantasy

Being active in our irc channel helps, that way we can get to know you better

Come to our ingame servers and interact with us

Show support, Donate or help us in any way possible

if you can do at least one of these things your chances of getting accepted will increase