went up against a vanquisher anna and clipped it

excuse all the misinputs and combo drops my fingers were greasy and i was watching an anna counter guide

Originally Posted by Lionet View Post
do you know any Asuka punishers for 12 frames?
only thing i can think about is her 2, 3 but i'd rather go for a launcher if possible

also im still trying to figure out how to play against Anna abusers but unfortunately (?) there arent many in my rank

yeah 2, 3 is her best 12 frame punish to my knowledge, her fastest launch punish is i15 and its d/f+2 i believe
Last edited by tabby; Jan 21, 2021 at 04:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
your jabs and backdashes to control the pace are really great, tabby!

i feel like you lack some aggressiveness though... doesnt AK have good mixups? if so i think you should move forward more actively when your opponent is open. I believe that might be influenced by this poor connection rate too
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!


yeah no im usually too aggressive if anything lol i was just being really cautious because i don't know enough about anna and from what i can gather they are a mixup machine with lots of launchers so i was fearing that if i went on the offensive too much id eat a million combos
i'd probably be playing more defensively than you lol
good match from you anyway
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

some funny clips of when i was playing with phish the other night

you'll see me do lots of dumb shit because we're just tryna have some fun

Last edited by tabby; Jan 21, 2021 at 06:28 PM.
ive switched to feng when my execution on kazuya isnt great on some days
im still learning him but i think he'll be fun once i put as much effort into Feng as i have kazuya
heres gameplay of me getting smashed by a devil jin that knows
Last edited by id; Jan 21, 2021 at 11:36 PM.
well i already gave you advice regarding this set over discord but i feel formatted like a forum post may be more helpful

game 1

game 2

game 3 is essentially the same as the other two, but you were looking very strong near the end of the 1st round, but you were being too unsafe and got punished for it, though good keepout

round 2 was looking very even until, again, you let him get the wall splat and basically ended the game

next round was sort of even and last round you got destroyed, but you were put in a terrible position at the end so its understandable
i know giving advice on specific situations is pointless because every match is different but most of what i mentioned i feel are recurring problems that are costing you the round/game and are important to keep in mind

unofficial FT10 against phish (his game crashed after the last match and we stopped)

feel free to watch or skip through
Last edited by tabby; Jan 23, 2021 at 10:11 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Picked up Kazuya for the first time against a friend who uses Mishimas for a living

It surprised me at how effective Kazuya is for learning fundamentals like mix-ups and 50-50s. I can't do PEWGFs yet, but I managed to win a set knowing only like 10 moves from his arsenal.

I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.
Kazuya's a very good introductory character but his skill ceiling is so high, before Tekken 7 in TT2 I used to main Law and Raven, Before settling on Josie I dabbled with Leo, LC and Maven, I still sometimes play Leo but I'm having too much fun with Josie and I've pretty much giving up on getting better with Leo.


Originally Posted by Nitrate View Post
I can't do PEWGFs yet, but I managed to win a set knowing only like 10 moves from his arsenal.

i wasted a lot of my time on perfecting pewgf because the dopamine it provided me was too great and i just had to do it again, currently i've done it in practice at the very least 30 recorded times and i've done it 3 times online and once against tabby

because i spent so much time practicing pewgf i never learned how to do much else with kazuya, i can 3 ewgf b2,1 big boy staple with him often but thats on the off time that a ewgf connects. i cant really perform well in the neutral or at poking because i am 100% aggression and don't really learn block punishes unless i figured it out myself while playing