Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Solved] Insulting And Threatning
I accidently pinged when I was in a match and came back to find this guy insulting me.
Last edited by Fee; Sep 8, 2011 at 12:11 AM.
Originally Posted by TCdoubler View Post
I accidently pinged when I was in a match and came back to find this guy insulting me.

Grow some thicker skin, he barely insulted you. Okay, im not being rude - but calling someone names over the INTERNET is pathetic so tbh you are in the right. But seriously, this happens to me at least 4 times a day and i just laugh at it. People are different but saying i will fake report you is usually just to make you scared, and calling names is pathetic as i said before. Saying something like "fuk u nd ur mum i banged her" that is offensive, no matter what, not saying this isnt bad. its just not seriously bad
Last edited by NinjaPiez; Sep 8, 2011 at 12:10 AM.
what the hell is a "Justin"
Originally Posted by NinjaPiez View Post
Grow some thicker skin, he barely insulted you.

Hey, insulting is insulting no matter how small it is
Not even close to infraction worthy, the internet isn't a nice place. You're just going to have to learn to deal with people like this.
Fine, I'll indulge you. The moderators only step in when the cases become serious/out of hand. This could mean a user excessively insulting others (e.g. following them around servers, multiple cases of serious abuse) or race related abuse.

We aren't here to babysit you, ignore people like this. If we were forced to handle cases like this we would spend half the day banning a large majority of the community. As I said the internet isn't a nice place, if you are prepared to use it you need to be prepared to deal with the fact that a large majority of internet users hide behind a mask and are much more likely to act like this than in real life.

However if you are going to act like this simply to spite the staff's decision I would be more than happy to step in and deal with you. Rules are not written in stone and are dealt out on a case by case basis, so don't push your luck.