Original Post
Hear is our roster

Leader:Toricron-Blue Belt
Co-Leader:GSnapz69-Blue Belt
2nd Co-Leader:Sgtkenny-Black belt
Members:Sgtlucas-Blue Belt
Anaadak-Blue Belt
Zigglett-Blue Belt
GanksYou-Blue Belt
Mophuzi-Brown Belt
Omndra -Blue Belt
Pabster212-Blue Belt
Last edited by Toricron; Aug 4, 2008 at 07:18 PM.
"I have forsaken the avenging of fallen clans. I thirst only for revenge against their killers.".
MAKE MORE STICKIES look in the thread tools above your first post cron good luck
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
"I have forsaken the avenging of fallen clans. I thirst only for revenge against their killers.".
hey you need to update the roster Mophuzi, Omndra were jus added to the clan...
"With great power comes great.....BUTTWHOOPIN!!!"
"I have forsaken the avenging of fallen clans. I thirst only for revenge against their killers.".