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I want to play more fluid.
I see a lot of experienced players fluidly move their tori obviously relaxing most joints. But I was hoping someone could give some tips on making myself look more "skilled".
The way I really started to play fluid was to spar. Sparing and parkouring and tricking will teach you a lot. You just have to stick with it.
Originally Posted by MoldyRobot View Post
The way I really started to play fluid was to spar. Sparing and parkouring and tricking will teach you a lot. You just have to stick with it.

How exactly do I learn the basics of tricking. See a lot of advanced tutorials but no basics. I'm lost on where to start tricking / parkouring. I can do the basic run and I've sparred a few times with a friend who's helped a lot in just an hour of sparring.
Like MoldyRobot, try playing in singleplayer by relaxing your joints quite often while sparring by yourself. Overtime you'll get much better!
Men are the best cooks! Cus with 2 eggs, 1 sausage and a bit of milk, he could fill a girl's tum for 9 months.
well it doesn't matter wether you relax your joints or hold them
it just depend in your position but i personally prefer holding
if you see players like flash,shoddy,cboh...ect you'll see that they hold thei're joints unstead of relaxing them
but well everything depend on what position you are in
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
for me it would be the right combination of relax and hold,
too much relax and there is no momentum,too much hold and you look
really stiff.

Try to start simple,rotate your chest and contract/extend pecs,
that is the most basic combination for gaining momentum,after that
just observe your ghost,what changes with every click
Last edited by nikosefs; Sep 2, 2016 at 02:14 PM.