Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
New wushu mod for official rooms.

So I can't find the "suggest a mod for official room" thread anymore, I contacted Scorpio and Sir but no answer or sign of life so I thought I could post this here.

Could we get wushu_2015.tbm to replace wushu3.tbm in official room (public, blackbelt & quick) ?

It's a modification of wushu3.tbm to make it a more "fair" wushu mod. Basically I tweaked the point distribution on the toribody, and there's a dojo. You can read more details and explainations of why I did it here :


Attached Files
wushu_2015.tbm (4.5 KB, 7 views)
This is the thread you are looking for

The 2 threads about suggesting servers were merged in one.

I would move this thread there, but I can't for whatever reason, so you will have to just make another post there.
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)