Original Post
mMm_dead man dancing
nothing flashy here. a hard kick, an unusual setup and a vert-combo.

n joi
Attached Files
mMm_dead man dancing.rpl (117.3 KB, 55 views)
mMm_propelant.rpl (88.3 KB, 44 views)
mMm_soda pop sunday.rpl (118.6 KB, 38 views)
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
hm, those arent at all what I was expecting I really liked he first two, they were a tad on the minimalist side, but I like that sort of thing.

The last one was a decent combo, but also my least favorite :/ for some reason it just looks forced...if that makes any sense.

On the whole though, these are still better than most.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
The first is as fucking awesome as a replay at 6:30 am after a night full of beer can be. And that's fucking awesome.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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very nice the first one waz my favorite one thoa you got alot of power in that kick 10/10 for the first one but 8/10 for the others they were a little slow for my taste good job.
great replays dawgggie mcdoggerson. personally i like dismems in the middle of the body the most because they are usually the hardest ones to do and they look awesome too
I love you
Deady, I know exactly what you mean. The last one was my least favorite as well.

Nuthug, I can't say that I understand about the beer @ 630 part, but I thought of your style when I was trying to figure out what exactly it is that I like about dead man dancing. After all it's pretty fucking basic to kick uke in half...

all in all I didn't feel great about these, but I learned from making them. the next group will be better.

Thanks for the feedback, all.
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]