Weekend Bash
Thread Rules: NO Posting unless to
A. respond to an app with one sentence or more
B. Post an app
C. Talk to an applicant about his app
Last edited by Orion; Jun 21, 2011 at 05:05 AM.
Free Pv2Caribou
Name: Graymaster
Belt:3rd dan
hobbies: My hobby is animating, or playing soccer. for animating to do sumtimes get payed, but only sumtimes. i get paid for the BIG projects. I play on my school soccer team. My other hobby is Toribash...
About me: i am a very nice person and very friendly. I play outside alot so im not THAT active on TB, but i am on alot still.
Why i want to join: After Puredark died and alot of my friends quit TB i didnt hav many friends still on TB. one that was still on was thepureone. i hadnt seen him in a while and when i saw he join TLL i thought it was really cool. then i looked at all the topics on your TLL page, and i tohught you guys were really cool.
Last edited by graymaster; Jun 21, 2011 at 09:05 PM.
Hm.. App could be better, its lacking a bit.

According to what i read your interested to join TLL only because pure is here. Not cool |:|

Its a maybe from me
It actually is what you said Gray: Other from what Sidvicious said kindof try and be a little more active than usual,

~mj <3
I'll miss you
You know.
Maybe I'll not have an app thread at all.

Maybe I'll just have a 'How to join' thread, and you join by posting around and being a regular on the IRC, because to be honest apps are a truly pathetic way of judging someone.
Originally Posted by Fear091 View Post
You know.
Maybe I'll not have an app thread at all.

Maybe I'll just have a 'How to join' thread, and you join by posting around and being a regular on the IRC, because to be honest apps are a truly pathetic way of judging someone.

I aggree to not have a app thread under your scope of belief. But I also think it is nessasary for you to have a application thread here for catalog and recreational purpose. Because with out it. People will habitually request the answer of ... Am I in Yet? And thus far get you irritated and rape there own chances of getting in. Even if the question was senser.