Weekend Bash
"play outside alot so im not THAT active on TB, but i am on alot still."

Uhh, you said im outside alot so your not that active. but then you say i'm on alot still.

Hello, TLL members. My name is EviLock and I would like to join you clan. Now, I will give you a few reasons why you should let me join your clan. One reason is that I am a friendly person. I interact well with others and most of the time I have a positive attitude. Another reason you let me join is because I am an artist/video maker as well as a great replay maker. I'll post some examples at the end of this application. Another reason why you should accept me into the clan is because I stay pretty active on the forums (As you can see from my 100+ posts). The reason why I would like to join this clan is because it would be a great opportunity to improve as a person and a toribashian.

My favorite mods are Aikido, and Wushu.
Player Card (I'm blue belt. Black belt account got hacked during Rollback.)

That's about it.
If you keep joining IRC and be active in our forum, we will not even need to say 'yes' or 'no'. Common sense is your closest friend and ally, dont disregard it.
Originally Posted by EviLock View Post

Hello, TLL members. My name is EviLock and I would like to join you clan. Now, I will give you a few reasons why you should let me join your clan. One reason is that I am a friendly person. I interact well with others and most of the time I have a positive attitude. Another reason you let me join is because I am an artist/video maker as well as a great replay maker. I'll post some examples at the end of this application. Another reason why you should accept me into the clan is because I stay pretty active on the forums (As you can see from my 100+ posts). The reason why I would like to join this clan is because it would be a great opportunity to improve as a person and a toribashian.

My favorite mods are Aikido, and Wushu.
Player Card (I'm blue belt. Black belt account got hacked during Rollback.)

That's about it.

See now that's what I want to see. This gets a more dignified Yes from me.
He would have been a good addition.

Originally Posted by graymaster View Post
Name: Graymaster
Belt:3rd dan
hobbies: My hobby is animating, or playing soccer. for animating to do sumtimes get payed, but only sumtimes. i get paid for the BIG projects. I play on my school soccer team. My other hobby is Toribash...
About me: i am a very nice person and very friendly. I play outside alot so im not THAT active on TB, but i am on alot still.
Why i want to join: After Puredark died and alot of my friends quit TB i didnt hav many friends still on TB. one that was still on was thepureone. i hadnt seen him in a while and when i saw he join TLL i thought it was really cool. then i looked at all the topics on your TLL page, and i tohught you guys were really cool.

Well gray as I said to you in IRC I am neutral until this week Friday. But if you keep on posting good posts and seem likable in IRC. I will give you a yes. =.= but if you spam even once and do not try to correct it. I will give you the most butt-hurt goodbye I can.

Butt-hurt goodbye given.
I will give you the most butt-hurt goodbye I can.
Last edited by thepureone; Aug 12, 2011 at 06:40 AM.
"Maybe I'll just have a 'How to join' thread, and you join by posting around and being a regular on the IRC, because to be honest apps are a truly pathetic way of judging someone."
agreed this thread will be switvhing purposes

if you are to make an app you can still post it here
it is nice to see some basic info/how much they care.

no yes's or no's will be given until i at least one week from me
Free Pv2Caribou
Originally Posted by graymaster View Post
well im on IRC right now...
and ima keep up teh postin sooooo....

Just a tip...
Don't annoy us about when you will join gray* just... don't
Just keep going to the IRC and stuff and i'll say yes ;)
Also why just don't make it ''Only Invite''?
Last edited by Fear; Jun 24, 2011 at 08:43 AM.
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
i swear ima punch sumeone if u call me gary one more time...
i think all the comments are good so far...
i think... ._.
Herpa Derp.