Weekend Bash
Also i'm thinkingf that we could make an event every week to win clan archivements points
Or make something like collect some money of everyone in the clan and with this money we can make an event n' stuff
What you think?
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
Deletion of Applications Thread
I know it has already been suggested before, but my suggestion is a little bit different: Lets replace the app thread with the following notification:

''Fell free to create a new thread with an application or just an introduction to tell us about yourself, making it easier for us to 'judge' your manners, and tell if you can stick around our IRC and forum. If you get a positive answer, don't forget to be active. If you make a thread with a ridiculous amount of words and some smilies, you are automatically claiming that you didn't read this notification, therefore showing that you don't fit with the clan: you will be instantly denied. Keep in mind that we aim only forum and IRC activity, and, above all, decency. If you think you fit in this criteria, you can now create your thread.''

- If you accept this suggestion, plz name the thread of the notification above as ''Important Notification'' or something more eye-catching.

I also suggest the creation of a 'trash bin thread', in order to stow silly, inappropriate and/or unaccepted threads, maintaining our forum clean. For successive entries, if they can't be kept in the forum itself, send them to Archive thread.

As PV2 said, Applications thread has become too spammy. And, to avoid spamming on applicant-created threads, i recommend the moderators to close those threads after each member replies to its content. Also, please notice that all members can only post 1 reply to each application.
We have no need for a trash bin when me fear and orion can just delete them.

And i liked the old App thread, where people didnt get the idea in their head that a "i wanna join cuz you are all awesome, etc, etc, dick sucking, etc" and they actually had to post meaningful shit.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Originally Posted by sidvicious View Post
I know it has already been suggested before, but my suggestion is a little bit different: Lets replace the app thread with the following notification:

''Fell free to create a new thread with an application or just an introduction to tell us about yourself, making it easier for us to 'judge' your manners, and tell if you can stick around our IRC and forum. If you get a positive answer, don't forget to be active. If you make a thread with a ridiculous amount of words and some smilies, you are automatically claiming that you didn't read this notification, therefore showing that you don't fit with the clan: you will be instantly denied. Keep in mind that we aim only forum and IRC activity, and, above all, decency. If you think you fit in this criteria, you can now create your thread.''

- If you accept this suggestion, plz name the thread of the notification above as ''Important Notification'' or something more eye-catching.

I also suggest the creation of a 'trash bin thread', in order to stow silly, inappropriate and/or unaccepted threads, maintaining our forum clean. For successive entries, if they can't be kept in the forum itself, send them to Archive thread.

As PV2 said, Applications thread has become too spammy. And, to avoid spamming on applicant-created threads, i recommend the moderators to close those threads after each member replies to its content. Also, please notice that all members can only post 1 reply to each application.

Totally agree with all you proposed

''- If you accept this suggestion, plz name the thread of the notification above as ''Important Notification'' or something more eye-catching.''

It would be named ''Read this Thread Before You Apply To Our Prestigious Clan''
Or just ''Read this Thread Before You Apply''
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage

You're asking me to make it so we get spammed with threads rather than posts?
Last edited by Fear; Jun 27, 2011 at 05:33 PM.
If a thread is spammy, the applicant will be denied (orly)
then you delete it and its all done.

If the thread is good etc, allow him/her to show up in IRC and post on the forum.
I don't know why i didn't think about this sooner but why not have the external forum be our forum Beta for new recruits. They post there (Since whats there is just like whats here) And the members post here. So its like a probational thing or clan training.
hmmm i kinda like that but i'm sure fear would want it the other way around
the main problem is no matter how we cut it that's going to turn into not knowing the recruits as well

we should let them post so that we can get to know them
Free Pv2Caribou
It isnt really a suggestion, more of, i already did this so deal with it.

There is now something in our #TLL server called BanBot. It sits there, keeping our channel up at all times to keep the bans in effect, and also, bans kyou-kun's ip as soon as it joins the channel. He was here today, with a diff name, just to cause more shit so.

If we ever need another IP banned, just let me know and i will tell yoyo, or, you can tell yoyo yourself.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos