Weekend Bash
Mmmmmm, yes very weird. I believe its not always us checking the inactivity thread, possibly people are examining us waiting for the chance to annihilate our souls and remove us from the official clans section.
Imagine yourself joining a tourney of a mod you suck at.

In my case: judo.

Now imagine yourself winning 2 times in a row.

yea thats it, bye

that just happened to me : D

--Express Correction time--

2 tourneys in a row
Last edited by Sidvicious; Feb 11, 2012 at 06:12 AM.
Lol, but since judo is about to luck it's ok.
Do anything and GO! GO! GO!
Win or loose, only this. Chances to win 2 in a row is low (:.
Today my rank got stuck on 1338.

After building some streaks it still didnt change.

*stops trying*
*closes toribash*

*launches toribash*
*wins a single match*

Rank skips to 1336

The awkward moment
When you search Youtube for a song

And it is coincidentally the music that plays in the ad that precedes the video

Happened just now. I was looking for Queen's 'dont stop me now', and the ad that played before the video had that same song playing along.