Weekend Bash
hey guys what kind of stuff can I do for the clan to become official also in a week or so I won't be active until the evening because of school. But I'll play whenever I can and every time I can't play I will let you know.

have a great day guys and stay awesome. :)
Beer can do parkour hold my I-a drunk and proud member of flip
guys i won't be too active from now caus i just started school again (gymnasium 1st class today )
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Hey, nö prob Sj.
Here the same, my study semester started so I have a lot to learn / and working on the same time... So yeah I might be less active in the next days..:-(
I hope u guys understand.. But I will be online when ever time allows it.
...call me "mobin"...[flip]
I got some stuff

this is my pose from my replay the headless flip man should it be my player pose guys? here is the replay too. It's nothing special.
Attached Files
The headless flip man.rpl (47.0 KB, 5 views)
Beer can do parkour hold my I-a drunk and proud member of flip
I got my head texture if you wanna see it look at my avatar. thanks smoggyz I owe you one.
Beer can do parkour hold my I-a drunk and proud member of flip
Real Name:Wyatt



GMT (For Clanwars, etc.):Cali west coust timeing

A little about yourself:love sports and free running

Best (Most liked) Mods:judo and wushu

How many days in week are you online:7

People, who send you here:smog

People you know in the clan:20th and smog

Previous Clans (Why left?):kingsofsilens (leader raged)
Previous Bans (Why?):nope

Why you want to join this clan:met some of the flip clan and want to join

Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.):nope

Read the Rules and will follow them:yes

Skype name: ledefpmaster
Attached Files
heli kick.rpl (35.6 KB, 7 views)
near death.rpl (24.6 KB, 7 views)
head kick.rpl (33.1 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by kouta; Aug 20, 2013 at 11:09 AM. Reason: forgot replays