Real Name:Wyatt
GMT (For Clanwars, etc.):Cali west coust timeing
A little about yourself:love sports and free running
Best (Most liked) Mods:judo and wushu
How many days in week are you online:7
People, who send you here:smog
People you know in the clan:20th and smog
Previous Clans (Why left?):kingsofsilens (leader raged)
Previous Bans (Why?):nope
Why you want to join this clan:met some of the flip clan and want to join
Can do anything for the clan (Videos, Art, etc.):nope
Read the Rules and will follow them:yes
Skype name: ledefpmaster
Last edited by kouta; Aug 20, 2013 at 11:09 AM.
Reason: forgot replays