Weekend Bash
cowmeat thot he su gud et tk, so I esk hem ti del me (I nuh pley tk) I wen 3-0

If you need a Cold translator, well go fuk yourself.

We need to bring tippy back, and make it the new dueling mod.
ancient Moderated Message:
you've had the previous signature since 2019, i wonder how long it'll take you to notice this
iz typin liek thiz stil a funneh ting :3 xD

Disclaimer: PLEASE READ

Last edited by dead_old; Mar 7, 2016 at 11:17 PM. Reason: don't sue me please
dude thats beautiful
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by Pv2Caribou View Post
Try being good at a difficult mod, like Tippy01.tbm, not some shit mod like TK

I should be a torilegend for inventing the 2hand spear technique

I am truly a pathfinder

EDIT: forgot the mod was called tilt_fixed and not tippy
I point still stands
Last edited by Hush; Mar 11, 2016 at 04:17 PM.