Original Post
Ice sculptures/general art
ok this is where you post your every day art like say you make a pivot,picture ect post it here and we will rate it for you say if u want to sell a full body texture to a person post a few ingame screenshots on how it looks and we will see if it is good enough for that person so post what you want.
Last edited by wert1234ru; Apr 13, 2008 at 06:12 PM.
heh, Ice sculptures....


Never tried that before...

Nah, it'll just melt where I live
I got a problem when making images and get the text right how did for exampel make the text in the avalanche logo so cool and fractured? because i got no idea how to change an origanal text to that...or maybe i just have to download some texttypes i really dunno...
I will be happy if someone can help me ^_^
Name: Ceymoure
Belt: Black
Clan: Avalanche
Post here to join Freeze: Click here
How to fracture your text:

Version one is simple, take a grunge font like Decade or Base02. <--Thats what I used for the logo. Good for low resolution logotypes

Version two is for high res.

For Photoshop
Create a text layer and use a bold and thick font like arial black. set the fill = 0

Create a new layer (name it grunge)

CTRL+click the text layer in the layers tab

Press D to set the pallete to black and white

use a grunge brush and brush along the edges of the grunge layer to give a chipped look.

Deselect and use eraser and a smaller set of grunge brushes to erase some of the edges (and a little on the inside too) to get a more uneven chipped look.

Now to make it stand out place a drop shadow and an outer glow on the grunge layer

There, busted out and worn looking