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[Art] Aeon 2011 service drawing
It was a promise to make group picture for Aeon members but I had the sudden urge to start this one and finish in one go, or else it will never happen.

Over 800x800

Last edited by AoNanami; Aug 12, 2011 at 11:51 AM.
Woot indeed.
And re-read the Art Rules my friend, you missed the one about the new canvas size rule
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"
The a and the e of aeon looks horrible and stands out to much.

I think you should fix that.
@havock007 No, sorry.

@Lancelite Not for a show.

@Mincostu Heard of angle?
Regardless, of angle one letter is darker then the other.

Move the A over and lean downwards and to the left.
Its black and white. since where was there tones.

and besides, lets think as 'Not bothered'.