Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
To apply for VanirGodz you must use the following format.

your in game name, also please tell a little about your self. This can be favorite mods or real life hobbies or anything for us to understand more about you.

Please include previous accounts, current alternate accounts or any other form of experience you have had in toribash. Most applications are long and strict we like freedom and the right to you having your choice of words and what you want to say. so the rest of the application is free form, but please put "love kittens" at the end of your application or it will be instantly denied.

NEW RULES, Nothing much but some updates.

We are looking for highly skilled players so i am creating a new rule, Black Belts and up only. Sorry but if you are under a black belt you are most likely not good enough, If you are an alternate account please do not apply, BUT If you are on another account and currently plan on using that account for a main account please message me, we will discus your situation.


When you make an application I will invite you temporarily, until I test you. If you later do not meet requirements YOU WILL BE KICKED!! If you pass the test you will stay. Simple!

I will watch for applications to other clans, so be wary.

Good luck and dont make me mad, or else.
Last edited by vipercat; Feb 10, 2017 at 01:01 AM.
meow mai doods

hi im TheReallyHappyWinner I like to play games and sleep a lot. My past main was my 2013 account Dodgeback but this is my main now so I have been playing for 3 years and some months although the highest belt I've gotten is green belt. my gmt is -7.

EDIT: I also don't have good internet monday-thursday at my time so I'm usually only able to be active during friday-sunday

"love kittens"
Attached Files
Fight against Tristan.rpl (68.3 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by TheReallyHappyWinner; Nov 4, 2016 at 05:03 AM.
Hi im DuckButts and i like video games and stuff like that i like aikido and mushu and boxshu i normally play each day at around 3pm cause i have stuff to do i was a alt on an account called XSCar but i got hacked so now im on this one. I LOVE KITTENS!!!!!!!
Ok the applications are really short but ive meet both of you in game, i like you both so welcome to VanirGodz
meow mai doods

my app
Hello, my name is Stevan Carrier ign of krobalt, I am on at least once every day to play toribash for around 1-4 hours, I also do use Discord my username is also krobalt. My best mod is aikido and greykido I hope to be accepted to join my friends on the clan, and to join some of the other cool members of the clan and it seems like a fun time. LOVE KITTENS :3
my name is cookielu i love cats i also really like talking with clan memebers and helping them out am 20 also i have a ppet kitten i love the members from curesed that joined vanir godz

love kittens
I like the app cookie, and love the name, what has this become im almost flirting with recruits :| anyway you are good and cool WELCOME
meow mai doods

Hello , I am Sonzai, my real name is Mitchil Smith and my favourite mods would have to be Boxshu and the other Shu mod types. In my freetime I like to practice playing the piano, not that i'm very good at it, as i've just started to get into it. I play toribash everyday, usually for a few hours at a time. I also have started to create replays, if you want them I can send them to you, I don't have them on this PC. I hope you consider my application
I have had a couple accounts, Ucinide and EclipseCut.

btw.... love kittens
Last edited by Sonzai; Nov 7, 2016 at 05:01 AM.
Hi! My name is Alex! Um, I was called here by the almighty vipercat. I was told this was going to be a great clan and I want to see it grow from its debut until it reaches rank number 1. I have no other accounts nor have I ever had any besides my current one. (AceSigma) Though this app may seem vague all in all, I try to look sophisticated when I type, but i'm a downright goofball! In case it wasn't clear, I would LOVE to join your clan and I would like to grow more as a person and make new friends doing so. love kittens -Sigma