Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
(COCK) Recruitment

We do not have a set application format, however, we do advise that any incoming applications should include the following: name, gmt, favored game mods, and general contact information (Skype, Discord, etc.). This is a free-form application, so feel free to include any other pieces of information that you deem should be something that we should know - remember, if we haven't seen you or talk with you regularly ingame, your application will be our first impression of you. Make it interesting. Make it a reflection of yourself. Just try not to bombard us with a too-overwhelming wall of text.

Feel free to chat in our main thread so we can get to know you better.

Last edited by Daddykins; Jun 7, 2017 at 04:12 AM.
Hi guys my name is Maycie. In fact i'm a girl gamer. I recenrly joined toribash as you can see I'm a white belt. I have been playing for a couple months now, but I basicly only played single player. Now after a couple months of hard practicing I think I'm ready for the hard multiplayer challenge facing the world. In my opinion I'm good at Aikido. I saw a couple videos online and I think I have gotten alot better from them. Like I can actually do a strong kick! Also, I faced the uke and apparently it's the hardest computer player. And guess what! I beat the uke!

Now more about my personal life. I'm in high school in 10th grade. In fact my real name is Maycie, and luckily enough I got this username! I love to sing and dance in fact I'm a cheerleader as well for my school. I also love hanging out with my friends and I love to play games. There the greatest pass time. In school I'm decently smart. I have decent grades. I have blonde hair which is cool, but I wish. I could dye my hair to a different color as it would be neat to try something new.

Now my reasoning on why I want to join. I want to join this clan because I have noticed that it's quite new, just like me. I wish to join so I can learn from the others and maybe get better at this cool game. I hope to be in this clan for a while and to make many great new friends. In all honesty I don't know what I can bring to the table. But I can always be the cheerleader. It would be a blast if I could join.

I thank you guys for this opportunity. And I hope you guys like my personality and make my wish come true in joining a clan for the first time. Thanks!
Hi, Maycie.

Thank you for submitting an application. We are currently looking over your credentials and will have a response soon. Feel free to talk in our main thread in the mean time!
Hi, Maycie.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you aboard our fine establishment. We hope that you have a fun and empowered stay.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Hello, I usually go by the name Panda, since its my ps4/xbox one name. All my friends call me that. I'm from south Ohio, -5:00 GMT, and really, I do HAVE a discord, but I don't use it. I do have a skype, however, and if you were to search it, it would be Josef Mengele. The thing you HAVE to know about me is my horribly dark sense of humor. Satirical racism, that stuff, but I can have a totally normal sense of humor if it is totally needed. For game mods, I've been inactive for a year, considering my last computer spontaneously got a prolapsed anus, and now i have a new one, but i'd have to say BoxMushu and normal Akido. I've never really had any skill to bring to the table, I'm just looking for a fun, casual clan to fuck around with. And if I'm on toribash, I have my forums open, and I usually check forums daily. But if i'm not on here, i'm on xbox, garunteed.
Young man, i dont mean to be crass, i say young man, get your hand off my ass-
Hello my name is Jet(thats irl name)
I like The skateboard mods
I like to make dark jokes mostly about drugs
My skype would be jettamber1
I like to play alot of games including rust
in the proccess of upgrading my computor rig
so if im off for a couple days thats why
im not a comp player just like to screw around with a clan for a little
or along time idk
i can also make uy guys' discord too idk
Last edited by jettt75; Oct 13, 2017 at 11:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump