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my best replay plz watch
my best walking replays agian in honor of Colupou and Rutzor but thistime much better
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@#$% for Flawess comp.rpl (109.4 KB, 51 views)
is it just me, or is that replay really glitchy?
maybyye its just me....

i suppose its allrigh. it looked like you just walked up to the uke REALLY twitchily and then punched him so hard his head blasted off...
The glitchiness is not because of the replay, it's the version of toribash that you are using to watch the replay; older versions did not have an option to change gravity, so the older version still thinks that it is on -9.82 gravity, when it is really something higher, in this case -30.

I had this same problem a while ago. Update toribash, and/or figure out a way to get a newer version to be the one to play .rpl files, and you should be fine.

Anyways, onto the replay. The walking didn't have as much chest movement as it could have, but it still ended up looking good. As for the decap, it did have some good momentum and power to it, but it looked a little stiff.

7/10 Overall.