I like the idea of this, but what happens if someone needs to leave for a legitimate reason. Then you have players complaining about then not being able to quit the game. Like others, I think there should be an amount of times you can quit a game that your in, up until a point that they are auto banned for a bit. I like the general idea though.

Originally Posted by ShadoRai View Post
I like the idea of this, but what happens if someone needs to leave for a legitimate reason. Then you have players complaining about then not being able to quit the game. Like others, I think there should be an amount of times you can quit a game that your in, up until a point that they are auto banned for a bit. I like the general idea though.


Any legitimate reason they have to leave for will a: probably take long enough that they won't miss much and b: give them a valuable lesson in time-management. I don't think the auto-ban from the tourney for a few hours would cause too many issues like this.
Are you crazy? penalty because disconnect and ping? =o,why? the player not control your internet,the disconnection can apper in all times
@Sainzgc - Penalty if a losing player decides to disconnect/ping too many times. For instance, in the past hour, a player disconnected because he was blatantly losing to me, and blamed it on the match, stating "this is gonna take all f***in day", and quit.
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Last edited by Richgar319; Oct 3, 2012 at 09:09 AM.
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Why do people keep bringing rank/elo into this? It's a plain & simple case of butthurt.

"If I can't win, then you can't"

Best solution: Auto ban them from the tourney servers for a few hours. They'll soon get the hint.

SkulFuk: due to this



Probably about 1/2 of those ppl with belt smaller than 2nd dan are farmers who have almost 100% wins. They are doing it, because ELO system lets them do it: the do noobish moves and then wait for win/leave if they lose. And yeah, it is problem for me that probably 25% of ppl from top100 are ELO farmers, and that most of wushu-ish mods are occupied by them due to it (at wushu winning is the easiest- You can run away when You have more points).
Last edited by Thrandir; Oct 3, 2012 at 11:03 AM.
I fucking hate when people come here and talk about exceptions.

If person quit during match he must be punished. Saying like omg I had to walk my gf's dog and bring stranger to hospital all the sudden should suck.

if rule will work and stop 99% of quiters, I will gladly accept being punished as 1% of people who really had to go.

Stop being so egocentric.

5 hours ban from ingame ftw
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
It's quite annoying when someone disconnects because they know they're going to lose in the next turn. Other games have a penalty for that sort of thing, why not Toribash?
I would support implementation of a penalty system for quitting while involved with a match in progress.
if person quits, why he shouldnt get banned from ingame for a few hours?
if he really had to go, he will not care
Originally Posted by Richgar319 View Post
5 minutes of ban doesn't seem good enough for rage-quitting from anything. If someone rage quits from anything, normal match or tourney, not by ping timing out, then they should be banned from multiplayer for 5 hours, which seems like an appropriate amount of time to deter people from rage-quitting. Also, if someone consistently pings out of matches, like three times for normal matches, or two times for tourneys, they will be banned from multiplayer for 24 hours/Normal, and 48 hours/Tourney. If the problem really is internet connection, they should get that fixed before even playing Toribash. Having poor internet connection is no excuse for hindering the enjoyment of other players.

5 hours is a bit too much for one match or tourney
Last edited by zenzen213; Oct 3, 2012 at 09:03 PM.
mindless machine
It seems to happen all the time, and is abused by people to keep their scores high. It just happened again. This needs to stop.
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Last edited by Richgar319; Oct 4, 2012 at 06:16 AM.