Original Post
Skill Issues by Faidin
Thread by ME

All coments in this thread will be welcome ^^
Attached Files
[P] Bosta.rpl (2.98 MB, 25 views)
[P] Indiana Jones Lost Ark.rpl (874.8 KB, 16 views)
[P] Not Divine.rpl (1.08 MB, 23 views)
[P] Rycardin.rpl (915.6 KB, 19 views)
The Enaqualed FAIDIN
When people ask me who that still plays the game that looks to be the next big thing in realism esque replaymaking I just tell them to look for Faidin replays since ur practically just Haku reborn but you seem to do even more whacky and cool stuff.

Post more of your replays god damnit.
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
damn buttery smooth gameplay. this is awesome.
tiptoeing on marble floors

dancing with big chungus on demon time
here i am again
some good replays and other replays of questionable quality
i love this one, my first Self Spar (Sandal Event)
Attached Files
[S] Matarika Weapons.rpl (772.3 KB, 8 views)
[S] RussiaLC.rpl (840.5 KB, 10 views)
[S] Xioi 2.0.rpl (822.3 KB, 13 views)
[S] Xioi 3.0.rpl (982.3 KB, 11 views)
[S] Xioi 4.0.rpl (532.9 KB, 12 views)
[S] Sandal Event.rpl (1,000.3 KB, 13 views)
Last edited by Faidin; Apr 25, 2023 at 02:00 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
The Enaqualed FAIDIN
Your style, flow and general playstyle is just growing more and more into something that is just a pure delight to look at.

Only thing i'd wish of you is to let loose more into the realm of retard moves that aren't something you'd usually be comfortable with to grow a bigger arsenal of stuff to pull out on a whimm,

Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
Your style, flow and general playstyle is just growing more and more into something that is just a pure delight to look at.

Only thing i'd wish of you is to let loose more into the realm of retard moves that aren't something you'd usually be comfortable with to grow a bigger arsenal of stuff to pull out on a whimm,


Thank you very much for the respect Xioi <3

Im going to be more retard moves and do awesome stuff (or not lmao)

The Enaqualed FAIDIN
Some good replay and other kinda meh
Attached Files
[P] Dungeon Runner v1.rpl (896.9 KB, 9 views)
[P] Keep Rolling Baby.rpl (1.34 MB, 5 views)
[T] Tang Series Xioi Market.rpl (1.42 MB, 10 views)
Last edited by Faidin; Jun 14, 2023 at 12:28 PM.
The Enaqualed FAIDIN