
Thats a nice 2 piece brah!!!

Not CnC
Only thing i wish was that the engage distance was a little further so the punch looked more dope. kick was nice.
If you was going for a pose, you could have tried to stick it. If not who cares, some players have a preference on posing, some don't. Good shi brah.
Turbo - Was nice, a bit stiff and at the end I expected the joint cluster to be entirely dm'd instead of just one. I got bored and editted it so it had dm'd all of it. I can post it if you'd like but that was mainly what I saw wrong with it, other than that, 6.8/10 good job
Thanks for the CnC
And yes i would like for you to post the replay
"I should have checked myself..." ~ Guy who wrecked himself
Working on a new replay but it's turning out kind of sloppy
plz send help
$Fire - Breakdance test.rpl
"I should have checked myself..." ~ Guy who wrecked himself
You're way too stiff and your shoulders are way too raised for that to be an airflare, mine is in the tricktionary if you want to see how it looks in tb
Thanks for the info. I'll go find and watch it later
%Fire - Wild Fire.rpl
"I should have checked myself..." ~ Guy who wrecked himself
i liked the opener but i think you should've tried harder to keep manipulating uke

the decap is kinda lame but it has a nice follow up
just a shame that you didn't fully extend the knee

i like that opener though
alright guy