I don't like your usertitle either : D. It's always a problem to get original usertitles - that's why i just leave them blank on forums where you can change them.

Gratz on prime though.
Whoop Whoop
Ramenlover sucks.
Talk your shit, be yourself
play the cards that you've been dealt. -E-Dubble

Hxcbbqimo: you're german
Hxcbbqimo: so you don't count

I'd comment every single one of them and i'd love to get comments on mine too (people don't do it in the game subforum), open plz :/
Whoop Whoop
congratz magix

Originally Posted by illkickurass View Post
When you start the Clan vid Get Aik to help you

oh didnt saw that...
mh i can help you very good on this...
i was workin with some good machinima guys, made some good vids by myself. alot teached by my brother,... he gets money for the awesome stuff he do
Congratz, Magix.

I'm like 180 posts away from Senior ;o

*Charging spamlazor*

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
yay my first post here

i´m 400 posts away from ub3r -.-
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3