ES Recruitment Drive
Original Post
'/endstreakprize' command?
there's /decapprize and /dismemberprize...wouldnt it be nice with a prize for beating the current win-streaking player?

/endstreakprize <amount>

So if the next contestant, beats the player with win becomes the usual win TC+the streak prize..if anyone placed it into the pot...(like decap and dismember)
Last edited by DuckHuntP; Oct 26, 2015 at 07:14 PM.

thats stupid, there can be tons of useless commands that would just use the space - fulldmprize, nicememeprize - whatever, they are useless
decapprize/dismemberprize is really enough, + the prize you are trying to suggest is easy to rig
Last edited by b45; Oct 26, 2015 at 08:13 PM.
Yeah, in a perfect world, this would work, but like b45 said, it would be very easy to rig.

Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
I think the feature you suggested it's useless,but that's a nice starting point for integrating the streaks with the prize system that usually gives you 10 TC for every win in Public servers. Something like a prize multiplier...