lol diabllo you have to wait fnugget is not always online

and i want like little black clouds in the form of rain to make it look like ash falling from the sky

just reminding
Julespino: How many particles of this "ash"? the 100k version is what I would say is minimum and just enough that you can tell stuff is falling, while 200k is probably as shown in video. I will make a video showing it when I can. Also, yeah will think about the texture.

diabllo: dark red 50k head flame...hokay. You can type in game "/dl rallik89" and then "/lp 0 rallik89" in order to see how the flame performs.

rallik89: flames cannot be edited. I would have to make a new one.
Last edited by FNugget; Jun 11, 2009 at 03:43 PM.
i have a request:
head flame
mixed blue flame with target color
emit round 40.00.000
age limit 30

i know this will cost a lot but dont create it just make it and pm the screen shot and how much it will cost
Last edited by jake0151; Jun 11, 2009 at 10:35 AM.