Original Post
When and why did you start?
When did you start Toribash and why? I found Toribash from a YouTuber called ZeRoyalViking. I start the game July 24, 2013. So it had almost been a full 4 years for e
I've been pretty on and off and with my playing and soon I will be a custom belt YAYAYA.

So I guess I can say I started off decent because I got to see how the game worked sorta.

I found out about toribash the same way lmao
I saw zeroyviking play it and I was like "woah I need this game it's looks dank"

So I downloaded it
Scammed someone unintentionally and the rest is history


First contact I had with this game was in...2012 I guess? I found it in Softonic or something like that I think, and I was awful at the game, even though I thought it was pretty interesting
In April last year I rediscovered the game (I think it was through steam, I've yet to find another Japanese TB player lol), and I decided to play it after I remembered how it was like. Not an interesting story, but eh
I started back in 2012, then I stopped playing for two years due to schooling and moving- I forgot the password for it too so I made a different acc, I started because I thought it would be a fun game to play with my brother since he was the one that showed it to me and I kinda wanted to get better than him in every game (sibling rivalry)
I found this game in 2010 after I saw my brother play it. The last time he logged in was september last year : ^(

Apathetic User
well i found out after i watched a youtube video from 2009 and forgot about the game then saw another youtube video in 2014 that made me get the game and try it out