Original Post
[Announcement] Adding Tags
ALWAYS add tags to your threads. Here is a list of tags and when they should be used...

[Wibbles]- Whenever something has nothing to do with the clan, or maybe Toribash.

[Death Plague]- Earth-shaking stuff that will be stickyed. Only I and the co-leader can make these threads. If there is one you want, post in the suggestions thread

[Discussion]- Whenever something needs to be seriously discussed.

[____-Link]- Whenever there is a thread tag and a link it means that the first post is pretty much the link.

[Event]- An event or discussion of an event (which would be [Discussion-Event) is taken place in the specific thread.

[Video]- You can honestly figure this one out...

And that's about it. If you think of more leave a post and I'll add it.

Dragenon and granate, you guys can just edit the post. I won't mind.