Original Post
deathrave mod
you are a raver with glowsticks. Instagib glowsticks. OF DEATH!! have fun with it. it is VERY unique which is why I like it.
I made this from scratch. Any ideas would be appreciated.

It causes permanent joint shrinkage which can NOT be fixed trhough deletion and reinstallation
Playing it is fine to my knowledge, BUT DO NOT HOST A GAME. unless of course you like your toribashian
to be a twig.

[EDIT]nevermind v.v I'm on crack.
Attached Files
deathrave.tbm (3.3 KB, 110 views)
deathrave.tbm (3.3 KB, 107 views)
Forum Posting Leader of UkeDemon 4th Dan Black Belt
<C0XY> i wrote a artical for the torinews... im proud
<m0om> <O >
* Cevius[Work] has kicked Cevius[Work] from #toribash (<O>==============================O))))))) [BANLAZORED])
<m0om> <O>
Re: deathrave mod
Very creative mod. Here's a replay I did with it.
Last edited by RbLcK; Oct 10, 2007 at 12:39 AM.

Re: deathrave mod
thanks guys. I personally thought it was awesome. However I didn't expect other people to like it. I just have mad skillz
Forum Posting Leader of UkeDemon 4th Dan Black Belt
<C0XY> i wrote a artical for the torinews... im proud
<m0om> <O >
* Cevius[Work] has kicked Cevius[Work] from #toribash (<O>==============================O))))))) [BANLAZORED])
<m0om> <O>