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2 other Joint
Hey guys, I was thinking about create 2 other joint next to the shoulder like here:

to make the arm rotate in entire to be stop something like here:

and same to the down to get better counter, easier uppercut, make more realistic fight, parkour etc... etc... you know the song.
think about a counter like that:

with the fist turn up, or turn down for middle kick.

tell me if I'm wrong but I think it's a good Idea, like that ancient member get something new to discover, they are not in the obligation to use it, this is a useless joint to break but cool to use.
Btw I'm not a beginner, I'm serious
no just no
this will ruin toribash and entire replays
Originally Posted by fish
1. If you think something will ruin the game, it probably wont be added.
2. If it is, it'll probably be optional and you wont be forced to use it.
3. If it's not optional, it'll probably be a minor change.

INB4 14 days ban
it ruin nothing guy, in another version, this is absolutely possible. and change nothing? I don't agree, you think about parkour? jump? etc... etc...
how it ruin the replay? the look?
I think the anatomy of the tori/ukes, which
includes the joints, is pretty close to realistic.
Adding more joints to them would definitely
change the game. And not for the better.
The movements you're asking for, have been
explored in different mods where the joints
(knees and elbows) function differently.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by MrOps View Post

Your Linked Image

There are no new, or extra joints in that image.
It is purely a 3D render based on the current TB.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
We don't know something would work out unless we try it... I wish suggestions like this were tested by GM's because all were doing is reading a a post somebody made then denying that post for various reasons without actually testing that suggestion.
The discussion phase for all of these ideas serves the purpose of allowing the community to talk over what would make something good and bad, before the coding team (not GMs) has to try and create something completely new, only for it to work out less than nicely, if not ever get used at all. That creates wasted time and needless code, both of which the talking out phase helps to eliminate.

The joints are pretty nicely set up the way they are already in my opinion. Like alot of things with toribash, it takes some getting used to, but you can do the exact same movements you are describing with the current joint configurations that are already around. All existing replays would get wiped, the entire toribash community would have to discard their old knowledge, and this is all for something that you can do by relaxing the arm at the right time.

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endless around, infinite within. you step.