popsicle's pride: the first few hits. nobody ever would have done that because of how strange and unorthodox it would look. you pulled it off very nicely though, looked very destructive. i am also a fan of the turn the opener took, it started off as your regular spinny flowy opener and turned into something harder to digest. i liked it though
what i didnt like was the grab you placed on uke to get the pec kick, it looked like it would have broke your wrist if you kept it. the kick is decent, i personally would have gone for just a decap

quick brown mushroom: replay seems borked to me, all i get is two toris falling on their butts. could be the fact that chrome is trolling me and messing up the downloads so ill try to watch it later again

i think its a shame that this is one of the least popular threads in the replay board, you have some interesting stuff in your replays
oh yeah