whenever you can find us, really. PMs should do the trick.
since the 'max 2 matches for one guy' rule is in place, I and owca will play for sure and we'll look for a 3rd guy if the 5th match is needed.

I might be busy early tomorrow but I'll be able to play in the evening (around 20GMT, for another four, five hours)
K thx
Monkeyishi and me are going to participate for (RL) just /sa us when you're ingame, we'll do the same
Last edited by Thronior; Aug 29, 2016 at 06:02 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
That's why I said 'PMs should do the trick'. We're generally around forums or irc (#addicted), but the only one who plays quite often is owca. Send PMs, don't look for us in-game.