Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[WIP] lscript
It's just a quick script I wrote to speed my scripting up, and it turns out I can make stuff a lot more easily with it. At the moment it's very messy and facing a complete rewrite, but afterwards I hope it'll appeal to other people.

I've made a few scripts to demonstrate what you can do with it, they're included in the zip file. The most notable is a replay-to-instructions script, which I'm fairly sure is the first one released in Lua. It's replayinf.lua.
I've also included color_index.lua, which includes all color codes and their names in a table. colors['azurite']'s value is azurite's color id, and colors[50] is whatever color's id is 50.
hooks.lua echos all currently active hooks (name and event) on pressing 'h'.
joint_col.lua overlays joints with 3d spheres in any color of your choice.
save_move.lua is basically another movesaver.
qsybot.lua is an ingame bot. I had an instructions thing somewhere, I'll put it here when I find it.
get_colors.lua shows you the force, relax and gradient colors of anyone you've previously /dl'd or run into ingame.
There's also a neat Timer class in Timer.lua, if anyone wants it.

To 'install', just run lscript.lua. It'll do the rest.

For help on an individual script, run "Script Help" on the second menu page and type in the script's file name, without '.lua', then press '=' twice.

Please be aware that this is a very early version of lscript, it's barely functional and a work in progress. Keep your criticism to a minimum unless it's constructive.

It can be downloaded here.

You do realise get_color_info(x) returns a "name" field as well as RGB values?