Original Post
Gosh, man, rlly, wtf I'm doing here
K guys idk why... And you? why you are on this board?

Just interested in that.
Really the cheapest items in the market. Check it http://forum.toribash.com/tori_marke...ername=Trewnek
I'm here to read stupid posts, guess I'm lucky this time.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Observing the evolution of Off-topic to wibbles
This here thread is a fine example
I just realised I have the stupidest name in the forum
The story of why I am here:

I was a 13 year old boy on the summer break between sixth and seventh grade.I used to play Prisonblock.com. They have posted a video that showed someone playing Toribash of them throwing their arm at Uke. I was fascinated on how you don't have to do preset moves. You CAN come up with your own moves! It was marvelous! I had to get this. I had to get it. There was nothing that can keep me from doing this.

The description said the following: "An arm throw off of Toribash." Toribash, hmm? I entered this inside of my Google query. The first result was Toribash.com. Seems legit enough to click on.

There I was, home screen of your site. It's impossible to even remotely move as fast as I did to click on PC and download it. My dick exploded all over my monitor, I was so happy.

I played hardcore for about a week until I came across a clan recruiting.
"HEY BITCH, WANNA JOIN?" The man said as he kicked that guy in the shin.
"M-me?" I stuttered out of my mouth.
Keep in mind that I was fresh, that I have never been in a clan before.
"Okay, what do I need to do?"
My heart has sank. Forums? I never have been there before. I need to start posting. The clan needs me!

Now, what forum seems like me? General, no. Art? No. Discussion? No. Wibbles sounds like me. They seem like my character. I bet I'll fit in AND START MAEKIN FREINDS, DERP!
"Hey guys, I'm new here!" I bashfully posted.
I have never heard of such an art. Trolling? What is that? The only trolls I know live under a bridge, as Dora taught me.
I was getting my ass mutilated in Wibbles. Strangely, though, is that I still enjoyed them. They hated my guts, but I loved the things that they said.
One time, they found out my whole name. A Toribash user found my Facebook, too, and claimed that he knew where I lived SPECIFICALLY.
"Poppycock!" I proclaimed.
One notification. I read it. He told me my address. Shitfuck.

In the end, I have earned their respect as they have earned mine. Then Wibbles was deleted. I took several months off of Toribash, too pissed to even go here, in off-topic. It will never be the same.

I came back because I literally have nothing else to do. No girlfriend, all video games beaten, my friends never want to hang out, and I pretty much suck on guitar and don't have anyone to teach me. I slowly came to think, "Was the deletion of Wibbles beneficial? Did Wibbles get deleted for good intentions and good progress of Toribash?" There was only one way to find out. As I returned, it turns out that coming back was good. I enjoy the community as I hope they enjoy me. I love you guys!
Last edited by shooter190; Jun 8, 2012 at 07:07 PM.
Originally Posted by shooter190 View Post
The story of why I am here:

I was a 13 year old boy on the summer break between sixth and seventh grade.I used to play Prisonblock.com. They have posted a video that showed someone playing Toribash of them throwing their arm at Uke. I was fascinated on how you don't have to do preset moves. You CAN come up with your own moves! It was marvelous! I had to get this. I had to get it. There was nothing that can keep me from doing this.

The description said the following: "An arm throw off of Toribash." Toribash, hmm? I entered this inside of my Google query. The first result was Toribash.com. Seems legit enough to click on.

There I was, home screen of your site. It's impossible to even remotely move as fast as I did to click on PC and download it. My dick exploded all over my monitor, I was so happy.

I played hardcore for about a week until I came across a clan recruiting.
"HEY BITCH, WANNA JOIN?" The man said as he kicked that guy in the shin.
"M-me?" I stuttered out of my mouth.
Keep in mind that I was fresh, that I have never been in a clan before.
"Okay, what do I need to do?"
My heart has sank. Forums? I never have been there before. I need to start posting. The clan needs me!

Now, what forum seems like me? General, no. Art? No. Discussion? No. Wibbles sounds like me. They seem like my character. I bet I'll fit in AND START MAEKIN FREINDS, DERP!
"Hey guys, I'm new here!" I bashfully posted.
I have never heard of such an art. Trolling? What is that? The only trolls I know live under a bridge, as Dora taught me.
I was getting my ass mutilated in Wibbles. Strangely, though, is that I still enjoyed them. They hated my guts, but I loved the things that they said.
One time, they found out my whole name. 2Worlds (I can't remember 100% if it was him, though I might be wrong) found my Facebook, too, and claimed that he knew where I lived SPECIFICALLY.
"Poppycock!" I proclaimed.
One notification. I read it. He told me my address. Shitfuck.

In the end, I have earned their respect as they have earned mine. Then Wibbles was deleted. I took several months off of Toribash, too pissed to even go here, in off-topic. It will never be the same.

I came back because I literally have nothing else to do. No girlfriend, all video games beaten, my friends never want to hang out, and I pretty much suck on guitar and don't have anyone to teach me. I slowly came to think, "Was the deletion of Wibbles beneficial? Did Wibbles get deleted for good intentions and good progress of Toribash?" There was only one way to find out. As I returned, it turns out that coming back was good. I enjoy the community as I hope they enjoy me. I love you guys!


I am on the boards just for my clan
Originally Posted by shooter190 View Post
The story of why I am here:

I was a 13 year old boy on the summer break between sixth and seventh grade.I used to play Prisonblock.com. They have posted a video that showed someone playing Toribash of them throwing their arm at Uke. I was fascinated on how you don't have to do preset moves. You CAN come up with your own moves! It was marvelous! I had to get this. I had to get it. There was nothing that can keep me from doing this.

The description said the following: "An arm throw off of Toribash." Toribash, hmm? I entered this inside of my Google query. The first result was Toribash.com. Seems legit enough to click on.

There I was, home screen of your site. It's impossible to even remotely move as fast as I did to click on PC and download it. My dick exploded all over my monitor, I was so happy.

I played hardcore for about a week until I came across a clan recruiting.
"HEY BITCH, WANNA JOIN?" The man said as he kicked that guy in the shin.
"M-me?" I stuttered out of my mouth.
Keep in mind that I was fresh, that I have never been in a clan before.
"Okay, what do I need to do?"
My heart has sank. Forums? I never have been there before. I need to start posting. The clan needs me!

Now, what forum seems like me? General, no. Art? No. Discussion? No. Wibbles sounds like me. They seem like my character. I bet I'll fit in AND START MAEKIN FREINDS, DERP!
"Hey guys, I'm new here!" I bashfully posted.
I have never heard of such an art. Trolling? What is that? The only trolls I know live under a bridge, as Dora taught me.
I was getting my ass mutilated in Wibbles. Strangely, though, is that I still enjoyed them. They hated my guts, but I loved the things that they said.
One time, they found out my whole name. A Toribash user found my Facebook, too, and claimed that he knew where I lived SPECIFICALLY.
"Poppycock!" I proclaimed.
One notification. I read it. He told me my address. Shitfuck.

In the end, I have earned their respect as they have earned mine. Then Wibbles was deleted. I took several months off of Toribash, too pissed to even go here, in off-topic. It will never be the same.

I came back because I literally have nothing else to do. No girlfriend, all video games beaten, my friends never want to hang out, and I pretty much suck on guitar and don't have anyone to teach me. I slowly came to think, "Was the deletion of Wibbles beneficial? Did Wibbles get deleted for good intentions and good progress of Toribash?" There was only one way to find out. As I returned, it turns out that coming back was good. I enjoy the community as I hope they enjoy me. I love you guys!

Could you repeat?.. ..


Btw. to keep on - topic on off- topic liek Solax want I am here for my clan too. \../
Really the cheapest items in the market. Check it http://forum.toribash.com/tori_marke...ername=Trewnek
Originally Posted by Noobie212 View Post

I am on the boards just for my clan

I am not sure thats what he means. he means why are you on the rapid thread board (not clan board)
why I am on this board? hmm . I do rather say I am backing SOLAX