Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Taco's adventures with the female kind.
This is something I'm going to start so I can have a reason to check this place. I'm going to keep you updated on everything that is happening with me and this girl.

Month ago: Was told she liked me
4/15/10: Had a two hour convo on fb
4/16/10: 3 hour convo + got a phone number
4/17/10: Didn't do shit
4/18/10: Sent her a text, currently waiting a response. Got a response, she knows when my birthday is.
4/19/10: Got a hug, going to find out if she's single or not tonight, hopefully. Got a text at 11pm, too bad I was asleep. Ended up with a migraine, took 2 maxalt, slept till 2pm the next day.
4/20/10: 5 min. convo on fb that was interrupted by her homework. She IS single, got yelled at by two people to ask her out. I don't know what I'm going to do yet.
4/21/10: Sent her a text, accidentally interrupted her dinner, said oops, have waited almost 2 hours now, no reply. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. I've got another migraine, nothing's helping, fml. Got a message back, she was studying.
4/22/10: Nothing at all.
4/23/10: Nothing at all.
4/24/10: Saw her today at the school for the class ring shit, we waved. I got home and texted her. I am now awaiting a response. I'm not sure what I should do. I don't know how she feels, I know how I feel, etc. Getting to the point where I don't care anymore, even though I don't want to be there.

Disregard the above:
I waited a bit, and we had a 2 hour long texting convo. \o/ Fuck yea, taco!
4/25/10: Nothing at all.
4/26/10: Nothing at all.
4/27/10: Nothing at all.
4/28/10: Nothing at all.
4/29/10: Nothing at all.
4/30/10: Texted me that night, we talked for a bit.
5/1/10: Together all day, my dumb ass didn't talk to her.
5/2/10: Nothing at all.
5/3/10: Nothing at all.
5/4/10: Nothing at all.
5/5/10: Nothing at all.
5/6/10: Nothing at all.
5/7/10: Nothing at all.
5/8/10: Texted for a bit that night, not too much. Wished her luck for her swim meet.
5/9/10: Nothing at all.
5/10/10: Nothing at all.
5/11/10: Nothing at all.
5/12/10: Nothing at all.
5/13/10: Nothing at all.
5/14/10: We texted for a few hours. She thinks her little sister is a "bitch".
5/15/10: Nothing at all.
5/16/10: Nothing at all.
5/17/10: Nothing at all.
5/18/10: Nothing at all.
5/19/10: Nothing at all.
5/20/10: Nothing at all.
5/21/10: Nothing at all.
5/22/10-6/20/10: ABSOFUCKIN-LUTELY NOTHING. We did go eat out one night, at Denny's, mainly because our parents are "friends" now, as well as our sisters. We texted the night we went to Denny's. The entire family knows my situation, I think she likes me, we'll see. I think we're all going to hooters today for fathers day, not sure though. Either way, I think I'm going to hooters.
Last edited by tacoBELL; Jun 20, 2010 at 01:25 PM.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
Nothing new today, I haven't talked to anybody, nor learned anything yet.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
I'm going to ask Gubbin what a good animation program would be for making an animation for this shit. Then, maybe later, Elite Cartoons D:

Yay for me having free time again!!!