Originally Posted by team mushu
Replay by Raaage. He created this move and its commonly used now.

First turn:

Hold all
Contracting right pec
Lowering right shoulder
Contracting right elbow
Contracting left pec
Lowering left shoulder
Contracting left elbow
Contracting right wrist
Contracting left wrist
Grip right hand
Grip left hand

Second Turn:

Hold all
Left rotating chest
Extending right elbow
Relaxing right wrist
Ungrip right hand
Ungrip left hand

looks like the replay under here, the mod may be mushu instead of boxshumushu, but it should work.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

No, iirc the dmth is different in boxshu than in mushu. Anyway the point is that that dm manoeuvre only fracs the wrist in boxshu, it doesn't dm
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
This move will work.

Turn 1:
-hold all
-contract both elbows, both wrists, both pecs
-lower both shoulders
-contract neck, contract abs
-relax both knees, relax left hip
-extend right hip
-contract right ankle, extend left ankle.
- grip both hands

Turn 2:
-hold all
- extend right elbow, extend right wrist
- ungrip both hands
- left rotate chest

For turn 2 you can just adjust it to aim wherever you want.
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016