HeartSeeker: bc idk, i liked the skin theme of League of Legends and i have my accs with that name

Deimos: Impy and Jen paid my namechange, bc HeartSeeker were too long for they ;_; and i liked this name for the greek mythology, what Deimos is the personification of terror
i came with a .38 and im leaving with a body
heard some shitty dollar store cod youtuber say it in a video as a substitute for fuck

i was fudgieballzzz on blops wii, in-game registration only allowed 10 chars
alright guy
I was playing League at the time as Lee Sin jgl. One of the stock replays I saw when I opened the game reminded me of a Lee Sin kick. My name is the sound effect Lee Sin does when he performs his ulti.

It used to be HIKOU in all caps to emphasise this point.

Last edited by Hikou; Jun 19, 2021 at 03:07 PM.
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