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Changing head texture...
It all went well since i needed to upload my texture, there weren´t such a button where i could have done so... Well i asked piece of advice from few players and they all have done it just as it should to be done. I´m using mozilla with mac, is the problem there, or why doesn´t that button exist??
its more of a support question but.

go to you're inventory and search the head tex. click on edit and wait till the page loads. you see a bar. click on it and you get a popup with you're files. select the head, hit upload image and login to the game. wait till it downloaded you and restart, done! you have a headtexture.

Option number 2: Go to torishop and look at the left side. near the active and deactive there is another tab called Textures. go there, click the bar that fits the item you want to put a texture on. and upload the image. again wait till it downloaded you and restart.

Good luck bro.
one more question. What did you mean with : "go to you're inventory and search the head tex" Do I go to textures, and if yes, where do I search? But still thank you you have been a great help this soon.
Moved to beginner sanctuary, post questions in here, not in the complaint box.
I mean, the search box: There´s four possible categories: Active, Inactive, Market Items and Sets. What do I use??
Sets? thats awkward. instead of sets it should say Textures im 100% sure about that.

also what i mean with the head texture item, search for the item in you're inventory (if you're wearing it its in active and if not its in deactive) and click the EDIT button on it.
Right now I´m not wearing any textures. And i don´t have any... So that´s why theres no "textures" in the list... i think... So do u think that i should buy textures? Eg. head texture??