Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Computer Build Suggestions for Me.
Ok so I need some suggestions because I'll build a new PC soon, here are the deets. You can make suggestions and objections. HP=High-Performance.

Currently Preferred Graphics Card:Nvidia EVGA GeForce TITAN X x3
Currently Preferred Headphones:NOT Beats(Still need a name Immortal XD Remember best and most high performance ignoring price.)
Currently Preferred Monitor:Eizo FG2421-BK 240Hz 23.5" x3 or G-Sync Ready AOC x3
Currently Preferred Extras:32gb DDR4 RAM Sticks x8, Later Cooling, Dust Filters, Thermometer(I still need brand names for these Extras so I can make a field for them on this list.)
Currently Preferred Microphone:N/A
Currently Preferred Webcam:N/A
Currently Preferred OS:Windows 7 Starter
Currently Preferred Motherboard:ASRock X99 Extreme11 ATX LGA2011-3
Currently Preferred Fan:Fractal R3 Silent Series 140mm w/Black Stealth Ribbon Cable
Currently Preferred Internet:Skycable Broadband 200mbps
Currently Preferred Mouse:N/A
Currently Preferred Keyboard:Microsoft
Currently Preferred Soundcard:N/A
Currently Preferred Memory Box thing that was on Ellen's 12 days of giveaways XD:N/A
Currently Preferred SATA or PCI if possible:N/A
Currently Preferred SLI:N/A
Currently Preferred Server:N/A
Currently Preferred SSD:N/A
Currently Preferred Security System:Norton
Currently Preferred Memory Kit:Corsair DOMINATOR Platinum Series DDR4 8GB x8
Current Preferred Case:Lian Li PC-O7S
Last edited by Merc; May 8, 2015 at 05:56 AM.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Don't go with eMachines. I have had experience with them in the past. They are the worst. And also, beats are overpriced and their quality does not match the price by any means. And 12 gigs of ram is a bit of an overkill. And so is the titan. But. If you have the money for it, then I guess go for it?
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
I have the money for the TITAN Z & the stickS, yes plural ;) I am an actor so yeah XD And my laptop is Acer eMachines and I thought it was just slow because it was a laptop XD I'll get more opinions on eMachines on this Thread also is it eMachines or Acer that you don't prefer? P.S. Overkill will be awesome when gaming though not to mention I have a YT Channel.
P.S. Thx for the post Valt. (Please no infrac it's just an extension of a useful post.)
Last edited by Merc; May 2, 2015 at 04:58 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
I have the money for the TITAN Z & the stickS, yes plural ;) I am an actor so yeah XD And my laptop is Acer eMachines and I thought it was just slow because it was a laptop XD I'll get more opinions on eMachines on this Thread also is it eMachines or Acer that you don't prefer? P.S. Overkill will be awesome when gaming though not to mention I have a YT Channel.

I hate both Acer and eMachines. I'd personally go for Asus.
And also, what do you even act in?
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Walang Tulugan, also I thought Acer owned eMachines and it was a mere variation? Like Samsung and the Galaxy Series etc.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
True but Acer owns eMachines correct? Also I heard Alienware is crap, also what do you think about the other choices & a better suggestion for good headphones mebbe?
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
, also I thought Acer owned eMachines and it was a mere variation? Like Samsung and the Galaxy Series etc.

That's like saying just because Dell owns Alienware that makes Alienware Dell.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
And how good is Asus? Describe what you love best.
Ongoing Topics
-Is eMachines Crap?
-Is Asus Good & How?
-Is Alienware Crap?
-Better Headphones?
Tool- http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/partlist/
Last edited by Merc; May 2, 2015 at 05:38 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Acer are considered low quality, and eMachines are their 'budget' range basically. I wouldn't recommend especially when you are throwing that much money around. Are you buying a prebuilt then adding a GPU? Doesn't make much sense to me, your PSU and mobo will not work very well.

You shouldn't use 12gb of RAM either, most mobos have 4 slots which means you should use 4/8/16/32gb of RAM. The more the better, so it depends on your budget.

6th gen Core i7s are coming out this year so if you chill you can get something much better than you otherwise would be able to get. At the moment it looks like 2h this year, perhaps 3q even.

Finally the titan z is outperformed by the x, and generally the x is cheaper too. I really wouldn't recommend the z!

How much money are you looking to spend? Looks like you have a lot to throw around.

I'm guessing you are going to burn about $2k, so in that case something like;
Titan X, i7-5820k, gigabyte x99-ud4, 16gb ddr4.
Plus your choice of HSF, case, SSD/HDD and PSU. NH-D15 is a popular HSF, for PSU anything that is top tier and has maybe 800W (didn't actually check, it's probably closer to 600W so once you decide on the rest of the components you should check your power usage). For SSD you want to fit your OS on it at least, but if you want to fit other things on it then it needs to be bigger obviously, 1TB SSDs run around $400 so they are quite affordable in a high end build.
The two current best case designers IMO are fractal and Lian Li.
You could also consider stuff like water cooling, extra fans, dust filters, LEDs if you like rice...

Example parts list:
Could be easily toned down and optimized by reducing CPU, GPU, PSU, Mobo, etc.
I picked case and SSD arbitrarily just to fill out slots.

If you were to build something like this from Alienware it would cost maybe $1000 more. And all you get are some flashy LEDs... Steer away from prebuilts if you want bang for your buck.

ASUS has quality control and support problems, but they aren't terrible...

AOC I don't know much about, but they seem to be low end and the products they make use somewhat inferior technology. I don't know who makes their panels but it looks like they are all low density and don't have the best timings or color reproduction. I'm not too confident in them but I don't know much about them just did a quick search. What exactly are you looking for in monitors?

About headphones; http://installgentoo.wikia.com/wiki/Headphones
There's many guides out there, this one is rather comprehensive and even covers why Beats are bad.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; May 2, 2015 at 06:31 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
Ok so I need some suggestions because I'll build a new PC soon, here are the deets. You can make suggestions and objections.

Currently Preferred Graphics Card:GeForce GTX TITAN Z
Currently Preferred Headphones:Beats
Currently Preferred Monitor:AOC
Currently Preferred Extras:As much 12GB RAM Sticks that can fit in my new PC.
Currently Preferred Mic:N/A
Currently Preferred Cam:N/A
Currently Preferred Computer:Acer eMachines
Currently Preferred OS:Windows 7

I see you hate money a lot. Getting titan Z is basically throwing your money away when you can get a better scoring graphics card like the gtx 980 for 1/4 of the price. http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html
And why do you say "preferred computer" acer emachines" when you are going to build it yourself?

Again hating money much? beats? alternatively to most beats you can get same performance headset for 1/4 the price. Beats is just an expensive brand for people that don't know shit about audio quality and just wants to look cool.

again "most ram possible hurr durr" in reality you won't get more performance out of having more ram. 16 total is like the most you should get for normal use, I have like 50 tabs open in my browser, 2 games open and a lot of applications open and I peak at 8gb ram.

I think you can cut the price in 1/3 off your computer and you still won't feel any difference when using it what so ever, go spend the money on a rolex or some expensive dinner instead.

here are my suggestions, maybe you want to pay more for your pc, but no reason to go full retard?
Graphics card gtx 970 or 980. Obviously in your case you want the 980 derp
Crucial DDR4 Ballistix 2400MHz 16GB 16GB Kit (8GBx2) DDR4 (or 4x4 maybe?) its funny that 8x2 is cheaper than 4x4 and 16
Intel Core i7-5820K is a allright. I guess since you hate money you can go for 5930K
MSI X99S SLI PLUS, Socket-2011-3

For headset you can get some sannheiser, beyerdynamic headset, they are usually pretty good in terms of sound quality.
Beyerdynamic T 70 maybe?
Last edited by Ezeth; May 2, 2015 at 06:59 AM.