2009 the i don't give a damn who you are era
2010 the primetime era
2011 the wibbles era
2012 the evolution and evolving era
2013 the well known/downfall of players era
2014 the new leadership/honoring are founding legends era
2015 the future of the GM or a future legend era
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
late 2014 - early 2015 is definitely the Dictatorship era

early 2014 is the "hampa is okay with nipples" era
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Some Shit Era - when NutHug's 540 Kick wasn't made yet
2015 - Aikido Small Ass Dojo's Lift Kick Cancer
Last edited by iPrime; Aug 21, 2015 at 06:54 AM.
Haha! Ur mad!
For me its like this:

Old School

Parkour, Spar, Freeruning

Popularity Era: 2012-2015
Running away...
Maybe the day Toribash got on steam should be the begin of a new era, since it introduced alot of new people to the game?
I think that era it's called: ''Oh fuck where the fuck did all these white-brown belts came from era?''
Originally Posted by Chirs View Post
Maybe the day Toribash got on steam should be the begin of a new era, since it introduced alot of new people to the game?

do you remember when the servers were full of randoms for like 2 weeks and then suddenly we were back down to the usual we had? yeahh...

also its neat most of the people talking about "eras" of toribash that they weren't even around for.
Last edited by Nearly; Aug 22, 2015 at 06:29 PM.
wow that
i would say that
november 22nd of 2012 : era of the Spamming 14k bots in one day