Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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What should schools be teaching?
This may or may not have already been covered in a different thread, but I couldn't find said thread.
From what I've been hearing recently (and from a while back) there seems to a bit of a consensus among students that the topics that are covered in school aren't something that they should actually be learning. This often covers mathematics and science, with most of them claiming that advanced mathematics and scientific theories teach them nothing that they will use in their lifetime.

There also seems to be an agreement that countries should begin to make a required curriculum to teach classes that will show them how to live in the real world. This usually extends to things such as raising a child and paying taxes (there is also an argument that they should teach students how the stock market works and how they can participate in it).

What seemed to really spark this idea was a song written by a youtuber who's channel name is aboyinaband. The song is titled "Don't Stay in School" (The title of the song refers to the idea that topics that aren't practical shouldn't stay in school, not the actual students). I will not bother to post a YouTube link to the song, but if you are curious you can simply search it up on YouTube. But I will provide the lyrics below.

Song Lyrics

Now. Here is the debate. Is what people are saying true? Are subjects such as Advanced Mathematics and Science practical for use in the real world? Should it become a required curriculum to learn how pay taxes and live in the "Real World"? Discuss.
Note: I did not provide any sources for discussion due to the fact that most of the sources I found were incredibly bias or not credible.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Sciences are not entirely useful for a person's future but they encourage people to think which I think is a good thing. Also it would be very hard to start learning sciences at an older age so it's good that they teach it in primary schools and secondary schools so that people know enough of it to decide wether they should or shouldn't continue studying it depending on what sort of work they want to do when they're older.

But maths is pretty much required for everything.

They should teach trades and that sort of stuff in secondary schools imo.
Do you honestly think that anybody would be able to remember the stock market and taxes in highschool if people can't even remember long division over one summer? I highly doubt that it would be worth teaching things like that. You have to learn some things yourself. Reality is one of them.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by qukslice View Post
Do you honestly think that anybody would be able to remember the stock market and taxes in highschool if people can't even remember long division over one summer? I highly doubt that it would be worth teaching things like that. You have to learn some things yourself. Reality is one of them.

Just because some people won't learn it doesn't mean that you shouldn't give everybody an oppurtunity to. Some people may really enjoy it and become successful.
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Sciences are not entirely useful for a person's future but they encourage people to think which I think is a good thing. Also it would be very hard to start learning sciences at an older age so it's good that they teach it in primary schools and secondary schools so that people know enough of it to decide wether they should or shouldn't continue studying it depending on what sort of work they want to do when they're older.

But maths is pretty much required for everything.

They should teach trades and that sort of stuff in secondary schools imo.

But that's the thing. Math may be required, but a common claim is that High School math isn't something that you'll ever use in life. Such as Calculus.

Originally Posted by qukslice View Post
Do you honestly think that anybody would be able to remember the stock market and taxes in highschool if people can't even remember long division over one summer? I highly doubt that it would be worth teaching things like that. You have to learn some things yourself. Reality is one of them.

No. I don't. But, if all of these people complain that they don't know how to do taxes when they reach adulthood, then surely they must care about it passionately? But, plenty of schools already have classes such as economics that can teach those things. If people want to learn it, then that class is usually there for them. The problem is, it's not an elective that schools are required to offer. Which causes problems, because the people who do care about making it out there in the real world may not have the classes in their school.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
But that's the thing. Math may be required, but a common claim is that High School math isn't something that you'll ever use in life. Such as Calculus.

You would be suprized, I'm looking into getting an apprenticeship as an electition and trigonometry is required for that. tho I'm not saying trigonometry and calculus are similar(I don't know what calculus is)
The failure of people to appreciate arts or utilize basic maths is their failure, not the school systems - students should not aspire to work at a 7eleven.

It seems that song also illustrates some people's inability to learn by themselves, and their inadequate family life. For example, not knowing how to get a job, pay tax, vote, not knowing to look after your health, now knowing the law or current events. When you first get a job (usually around 12-14 in my country, YMMV) you should be guided by your parents. When you have to pay tax or vote for the first time, again, your parents will guide you but you will also receive resources from the government (in my country you will receive packaged information at both events). Your parents should have been ensuring your health in your formative years, when you are old enough to look after yourself you should already have good habits instilled - and if not, you should be able to google it tbh, no one in the first world should be ignorant of their own health. Oh yeah, and PLEASE make sure to watch the news / read newspapers. Come on kids, don't blame your ignorance on schools. By the time I'd finished primary school I'd completed 2 rounds of senior first aid, but I bet this YT'er was too busy watching minecraft videos or something huh.

School can only do so much, if you don't try in school, don't work on your own, and aren't seeking resources to help you, then you have no right to bitch about hurr durr school sucks.

It's probably a waste of time to try and teach anyone who doesn't see the usefulness of calculus and doesn't use it. If they can't understand that much they are already at the limit of their ability.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
i agree that schools should employ more pragmatic teachings like how 2 pay taxes and use other social services. the big problem here is making the students take the class seriously, because who would care for a class ths silly/easy. i honestly dont know how one could try to solve this issue.

Highschool math: i consider it useful, because besides the fact that some people like math and wish to study related subjects, it encourages thinking and brain development that you will put to use regardless of what you do in life. hIghschool trig in particular is very useful, since it has tons of real life application. highschool calculus consists of more theory and less obvious rl application (from my experience, so i might be wrong on this), so it is at times discouraging for students who struggle with it. however, i defend that hs calculus is a good way of measuring one's thinking capability due to its complexity over trig (complexity inside the highschool curriculum, everyone knows this is not a difficult as college and etc.)
oh yeah
Originally Posted by raaage View Post
Sciences are not entirely useful for a person's future but they encourage people to think which I think is a good thing.

Science is VERY good for a person's future. But it depends on what field of science it is. I personally love Chemistry and Astronomy. I will be going to College in 2 years to get my bachelor's degree in Teaching for Science. If science isn't tought in school, people won't learn the great things of space and life in general. It's needed.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
If you depend on others for general knowledge you are lost. Blaming the school for it is just plain idiotic. There are many sources you can learn from if you show initiative.
What you can blame the school for is being inefficient at what they are teaching. School is meant to prepare you for life in regards to academics. It is not supposed to teach you how to live your every day life. That's what your family, friends and common sense are for.

What schools in my country are lacking is teaching efficient methods of learning and the basics behind the scientific method. Those should be taught from a very early age on so children have the mental tools necessary to acquire knowledge on their own.