Latest Sale in Marketplace
i dont know if this has been suggested before, but surely this is one of the most useful feature to have in the marketplace.
just like the legacy marketplace back then, there should be a segment (or page) of the most recent sales that added by the user into the marketplace.
i mean, essentially this feature should be the first and foremost feature to be included back then when marketplace got overhauled, considering many marketeers solely used the legacy marketplace to sell their stuffs in bulk without the hassle of making thread in the market subforum.
now that there's market tax for every item you listed in marketplace now, atleast this feature would "compensate" the reduced amount off sold item by promoting one's sale and having better chance to get sold instead of rotting in marketplace for god knows how long.
besides, if there's latest purchase request exist already, i dont see why this one wont get implemented.
EDIT : i'm also fully aware that there's indeed a way to filter latest added items for sale with advance search options, but this method would literally takes a ton of time everytime you want to see the latest sale, especially since you're a marketeer and rely solely on this option for your basic daily needs. a dedicated segment in the marketplace's homepage would be good addition rather than using obscure option that no one knows about unless you're specifically looking for certain items.
Last edited by Elyx; 4 Weeks Ago at 07:48 AM.